Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Summer on the Horizon

This sweltering weather is yet another reminder that summer is racing towards us and both boys will be out of school for almost three months. Yikes! Last year when I had more writing assignments lined up, I kept Bobby and Shane in preschool through the summer. Then I felt vaguely irritated when we had vacation plans and I still had to pay for the school days they missed. But it was sure nice to have those three mornings a week to write and take care of business without the wild guys harassing me.

This year, summer school is not an option. So now I'm burying my nose in the rec departments summer programs to fill up the calendar with sports, science and any other camps that will keep them stimulated and active. Yet, how do I decide? The boys are not much help. When asked, they say yes to nearly everything. It's up to me to narrow the field and decide just how scheduled our summer will be, and just how much we can afford with what we're saving in preschool costs.

At the same time, it's kinda fun crafting how our summer will play out. The weeks I leave free are for us to roam around the Bay Area and beyond, to take advantage of the beaches, museums and zoos. And the boys are finally at the age where I'm not terrified of taking them to the zoo by myself. I can't believe how much they are growing up!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Glad they say 'yes' JD says 'no' to everything! I was at the library today and they have all sorts of summer things--might even be free--check 'em out. And, even if they boys listen to someone read, maybe you can write!