Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy 2009

Yes, I know I'm a little late on this one but give a girl a break, I barely survived the holidays. New year, new blog. Hope you like my new design and gadgets, still working with the kinks. Be sure to subscribe to my blog or come visit every Tuesday when I promise to post. To officially end 2008, I'm reprinting my Christmas Newsettler. Thanks for stopping by!

The Pollard Family's Top 8 of 2008

8. Shane (age 4) developed a severe allergy to the word NO. Be warned: use it at your own risk.

7. Bobby (age 5) played his first year of t-ball, making excellent dust piles in the outfield and smacking a few balls past the infield.

6. The Family ventured out to their first rain-soaked Monster Truck Monster Jam in Oakland with a huge group of friends. Although we had to leave early do to our soggy misery, we'll be going back at the end of February for another try to feed the boys' obsession with all trucks.

5. Kelly broke into two new writing markets, selling articles to Parent's Press and Bay Area Kids. She continues to write for local magazines, work on THE YA NOVEL (this year it will sell) and is the newsletter editor for California Writers Club, Tri-Valley.

4. Robbie left Waste Management in June for a new position. He's lovin it!

3. Bobby started Kindergarten where he's building up some serious self-esteem. Quotes heard spying on him alone in his room: "I am the most amazing kid my parents ever had!" and "Those kids are going to say, gee Bobby, you are a genius!" Stay tuned for more choice words from Mr. Ego.

2. Shane joined the pre-k class in preschool following in big brother's footsteps. He is finally shifting from "I can't!" to "Look what I did!" Ah, relief!

1. Kelly and Robbie have held on to their sanity navigating these early years with these boys who call themselves "The Naked Brothers Band" do to their preference to strip down the moment they walk in the door.

Stay tuned for another year of craziness and thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I love your new year's letter! So fun to see what friends did during the year. And congrats on your two new writing markets...these days that's a real accomplishment! Way to go Kelly.

Isn't it amazing what you can accomplish in a year?!