Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Competition and Homework?

Bobby and Shane both have a serious competitive streak. Life is a game to them and they are determined to win it! Usually this levels to a mild annoyance in my everyday life when seeming insignificant things take on massive dramas. And then, those competitive tendencies will shock me.

Take Monday, as an example. Bobby brought home his homework packet for the week. Instead of grudgingly taking out his homework at the normal time, he initiated school work on his own.


He worked through two worksheets, the minimum allowed before I'll excuse him to play. Then he breezed through another two worksheets.

Very strange.

I told him he could stop. He just shook his head. Apparently, one of his buddies in class mentioned last week that he had finished his entire homework packet long before the last minute scramble to get everything done.

Aha! The motivating factor: he wanted to beat his friend at homework. I think I'm liking this!

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