Saturday, May 02, 2009

Signs Your Son Is Growing Up

Bobby's sixth birthday has come and gone. It seems like I blink and he grows at rapid pace. Examples are:

*Declaring that he is too old for baths now. He wants to shower every morning like Daddy

*Losing his two front teeth in the space of a month

*Reading his kindergarten sight word books with more fluency

*Selling his train table and Thomas the Train sets at our garage sale to spend the earnings on video games, Legos and action figures.

*Ditching the yellow blankie he's slept with since he was a newborn, saying that I need it more than he does. (At this point, I think he's right!)

This big guy continues to amaze me with the phrases he picks up at school, questions he asks me and projects he conjures up. Hard to believe this kid is the same one that refused to gain weight as a baby.


Cindy said...

Great picture Kelly! Yes, they grow up way too fast--and use the yellow blankie -- they're magic, they make all the boogeymen go away, remember? (including the the writing boogeyman)

Lynn said...

Kindergarteners are so much more grown up than they were in the fifties when I was that age.

Bobby sounds like an amazing boy. I hope you are keeping hard copies of all this for him. It's way better than any baby book. Thanks for sharing.

Author of You Want Me to Do What?
Journaling for Caregivers