Sunday, July 27, 2008


Why not?

What better excuse not to work on the new manuscript but to journal online?

I am now among the many fabulous artists that contribute to Eric Maisel's Creativity Central blogs. Although I only committed to posting on alternating weeks, I plan to post more often. Which means I will also have to post more here to keep it fair. My brand for the Maisel blog is Musings Among Valley Vineyards, and will mainly have posts about the creative process, writing life, blocks and tiny victories. The Pollard boys will steal the show on this blog, so come by both blogs often and tell me what you think!

Look for my new series of posts later this week about my adventures with recipes on the back of the Bisquik box.

And no, I'm really not joking about that....

1 comment:

Beth Kephart said...

Hello, Kelly – just to say that it was so nice of you to stop by the blog. It's a miracle, this virtual world. Best of luck in placing BLUSH. Every book out is a new adventure (I have one out there myself at the moment). But eventually the right person comes along.

Take care,
