Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dodging Warrants from the Mommy Police

Summer is still going strong, but apparently, my discipline skills and household routine has all but deteriorated. I've been breaking rules left and right, some that I realize are okay to let slide over the lazy days of summer. Others I rules I never thought I'd break. Combined, I'm feeling a bit like a mommy outlaw....

*Firm 8pm bedtime is a haunting memory. Now it's giving in to allow just one more movie, in hopes they fall asleep to the hum of the television (another broken rule!) Bobby had to be forced into bed after 10pm last night and I actually felt guilty about it. Wow. Just last year I had them bathed and read to by 7:30 with lights out after.

*House filled with sugary cereals. Ack! I never thought I'd be the mom to buy Cocoa Puffs and Fruity Pebbles for an actual breakfast option.

*I failed to convince Bobby to sign up for the Library Reading Game, the one thing his kindergarten teacher advised us parents to do to keep the kids up to speed on their school skills.

*I just recently busted out the workbooks I optimistically stocked in early June with hopes of working every morning with the boys on their letters and numbers.

*I have not made one batch of play dough, slimy goop, fingerpaint or homemade cookies.

*I constantly nag the boys to clean their rooms, yet my own room is total disaster. And the nagging is really only getting toys shoved from one end of the room to the other, so it is futile.

There is more, oh so much more, that I someone could report to the mommy police. We haven't made it over to the cool swim center downtown this whole summer. Video games are taking over my front room. No regular bike rides or trips to the beach. Have barely taken advantage of the East Bay Regional Parks pass I was so gung ho about a few months ago.

But I'm letting myself off the hook, I suppose. I still have a month to whip things back into shape over here. I'm sensing a trip to the library is in store today. Or maybe I'll just set a good example and clean up my own room!

1 comment:

Cameron said...

hahahahahahah! I can totally relate, and may blog about it myeslf! I do take a great deal of pride in encouraging the children to fend for themselves from time to time while Mommy's working. A bowl of healthy snacks and fresh fruit at the fingertips help in this regard. "Teach a child to feed himself healtful foods, and he'll..." Some parents hover too much!