Friday, November 21, 2008

What I Haven't Written About

It has been a long time since I made a stop over at my own blog. Why? Life at home (and at work) has been bursting with stories just waiting to be shared.

But I haven't written about the week-long escapade that was Halloween this season. I didn't write about the two school parties, the downtown trick or treating, or the half-ass costume party I had on Halloween night where I dressed up as a shabby looking princess and forced my husband to paint his face like Frankenstein. I definitely didn't write about (or post, until now) my mom and stepdad's scary show of humor dressing him up as Mom in the sixties. Notice the orange cheerleading sweater her husband wears. Yah, can't believe that hasn't made it onto the blog yet. In fact, I think I need to borrow that sweater myself.

I haven't written about how I had barely a weekend to catch my breath from Halloween to launch into Shane's 4th birthday week, including a birthday dinner at Chevy's where he refused to wear the sombrero when they sang to him; the preschool party at school where he protested the spooky rice krispy spiders I made to top his cupcakes; nor did I write about the 'real' party that next weekend at John's Incredible Pizza--which was, let's just say, not so incredible in my opinion.
I could go on about Bobby's first teacher conference for kindergarten, goony school portraits and the general malaise of bracing myself for the holidays, but I must save some material for the future.
But I promise, I'll try to post on a regular basis again. Thanks for reading!

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